Engine filters supplier

Как работает сажевый фильтр на экскаваторе?

время: May 30, 2023

Как работает сажевый фильтр на экскаваторе?


Дизельный сажевый фильтр (DPF) — это устройство, которое используется на дизельных двигателях, в том числе экскаваторах, для улавливания и удаления загрязняющих веществ из их выхлопных газов с целью снижения выбросов вредных частиц в окружающую среду.


The DPF works by trapping and collecting the harmful particulate matter (PM) that is produced as a by-product of the engine's combustion process. It is composed of a ceramic honeycomb structure coated with metals like platinum, which act as a catalyst, and are designed to be highly porous. When exhaust gases pass through this honeycomb structure, the PM is trapped and held within the filter, while the cleaner gases pass through and are expelled through the exhaust system.


Over time, the PM trapped in the DPF builds up and begins to clog the filter, leading to a reduction in engine performance. To prevent this, the DPF undergoes a process known as regeneration, in which the trapped PM is burned off and expelled from the exhaust system.


There are two types of regeneration:

1.Passive regeneration: This occurs naturally when the engine runs at a temperature that is high enough to oxidize the PM. This mostly happens during highway driving.


2.Active regeneration: In this process, the engine's electronic control unit (ECU) detects when the DPF is clogging and initiates a regeneration process. The engine control unit injects excess fuel into the engine, producing high temperatures that cause the PM to be burned off.


The DPF has a sensor fitted to monitor the pressure drop across the filter. If the pressure drop exceeds a certain threshold, the ECU will initiate a regeneration cycle to clear the PM and restore the filter's efficiency. If the DPF is not cleaned regularly, this can cause damage to the engine, leading to higher emissions, reduced fuel efficiency, and more expensive maintenance costs.


In conclusion, the DPF is a key component of a diesel engine's exhaust system, which helps reduce harmful emissions by trapping and removing particulate matter from the exhaust. It is a high-tech system that involves complex monitoring, control, and regeneration processes to maintain optimal performance.



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