Engine filters supplier

Каково назначение сепаратора масляного тумана экскаватора?

время: May 31, 2023

What is the purpose of an excavator oil mist separator?


An excavator oil mist separator is a device that is installed in the engine of an excavator. Its main purpose is to filter and remove oil mist that is generated by the engine during the combustion process. The oil mist is made up of tiny droplets of oil that are suspended in the air, and if left unfiltered, can cause damage to the engine and pose a health risk to the operator.


The oil mist separator works by using a series of filters and centrifugal force to separate the oil droplets from the air. The filtered air is then vented back into the environment, while the oil that has been separated out is collected and recycled back into the engine.


The benefits of using an excavator oil mist separator include improved air quality for the operator, reduced maintenance costs, and extended engine life. By removing the oil mist from the engine, the separator helps to keep the internal components of the engine clean and operating efficiently, thus reducing the likelihood of breakdowns and expensive repairs.


In addition, the use of an oil mist separator can also help to comply with environmental regulations, by reducing the amount of oil pollutants that are released into the air.


В целом, целью сепаратора масляного тумана для экскаваторов является повышение производительности двигателя и снижение затрат на техническое обслуживание, а также защита здоровья оператора и окружающей среды.


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