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Оригинальный масляный фильтр 9B2950 9F6742 9H1318 H7009 LP165 в наличии

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    Luber-Finer LP165 Leroi 249012 Donaldson P550165
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What should be noted when applying 9B2950 Oil Filter to Caterpillar DW20G?

The 9B2950 Oil Filter is an essential component for maintaining the peak performance of the Caterpillar DW20G. This high-quality oil filter is designed to effectively remove contaminants, such as dirt and debris, from the engine oil. When installing this filter, it is important to ensure that the threads are clean and that the gasket is properly seated to prevent leaks. Routine maintenance, including regular oil changes and filter replacement, is key to ensuring the longevity and efficiency of the DW20G. By using the 9B2950 Oil Filter, owners can feel confident that their equipment is operating at its optimal level, and that they are prolonging the life of their machinery.


9B2950 OEM Cross Reference:

Baldwin PT66-HD

Donaldson P550165

Fleetguard LF546

Hengst H14W22

Hifi SO 1546

Манн H7009

Викс 51165

Чехол IH 894797R91

Caterpillar 1R0729 1S9150 2J0006 2J6 3F0801 4A0332 4A332 6B0907 6B7897 6B8219 6B8818 6B907 6F8358 7B3000 7B7775 7R7776 8B2374 8B5 755 8B5775 8H0847 8H847 9B1318 9B1319 9F6742 9H1318

Любер-Финер LP165

ГМК 5574592 5576071 6438402

Леруа 249012 43177 43208A 43208B 43208 A43177 A43208A A43208


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